Benefits of the members of the association

Trainings and seminars16. oktobrim

Quality and regular seminars and trainings on MI topics. Monthly seminar on the uses of AI in different industries. For example, a seminar for HR departments on the use of AI for the selection of employees, a seminar for accounting on the use of AI, etc. Seminars are available for a fee for all interested parties, but free of charge for members. Seminars are also planned to educate the public and potential customers about the benefits and possibilities of AI.

Pēc apmācību beigām būsi gatavs praksei un darbam mākslīgā intelekta uzņēmumos.

Representation of the interests of the MI sector in public institutions

  • Programmas pasniedzēji – izcili mākslīgā intelekta un programmēšanas speciālisti ar ilggadēju pieredzi izstrādē un apmācībās;
  • Mentoru atbalsts un konsultācijas visas programmas laikā;
  • Iespēja realizēt praktiskus MI uzdevumus;
  • Iespēja iegūt praktisku darba pieredzi pēc 9 mēnešu mācībām;
  • Programma notiks attālināti un ir apvienojama ar studijām;
  • Programma ir bez maksas, apmeklējot visas nodarbības;
  • Programma vērsta uz to, lai Tev pēc 9 mēnešiem būtu visas nepieciešamās prasmes un iespēja sākt karjeru mākslīgā intelekta izstrādē, kādā no vadošajiem MI izstrādes uzņēmumiem.


Kritēriji – izcilas sekmes, sasniegumi konkursos un olimpiādēs (īpaši informātikas un matemātikas jomā), vēlme aktīvi darboties un realizēt interesantus MI projektus.

Kā arī jāiztur loģikas tests un pārrunas ar MI talantu programmas pārstāvjiem.

Shared GPU infrastructure

It is planned to offer members access to a common GPU infrastructure at cost. Access should be members-only and the costs should be self-sustaining with planned infrastructure development and maintenance. During downtime, it is planned to rent resources to or similar platforms. Access to GPU resources is controlled by a queue system and data security is ensured. The GPU infrastructure is intended for experiments by AI companies and training of AI models, not for production work.

Export options

Organization of trade missions for AI companies and research institutions abroad. For example, joint participation of MI companies in a major international exhibition.


Raise funding for participants through available EU calls for projects and tools for both competence promotion. Encouraging the use of research institutions' opportunities, such as helping participants initiate collaborations with research institutions through LIAA Innovation Vouchers.

Workforce development

Opportunities to attract qualified employees to work in the development of AI products and services through the activities of the association.

Get Involved

Are you a Latvian company that wants to be one step ahead? Join MILA, the Latvian Association of Artificial Intelligence, and become part of a vibrant community that promotes AI innovation in Latvia.
